To keep myself sane

Hellooo wordpress!
Just read my last post, its 3 years ago. Where I in last 3 years?
A lot of things happened during the last 3 years. I’m get married, pregnant, have a baby, move job from Karawang to Bandung as microbiologist, move to PPIC, and right now as WH supervisor. In every stage of my life I got so much stories (and drama) that I can’t describe and explain in here.
So right now, I was at the point where I have to reveal my mind to stay sane. I’m working mom, have own home without assistant. I have superb active toddler and of course I have a husband.
Every morning my child (nadia) transfer to my mother home with my husband. I know he tired must transfer and pick up her every day. But right now this is the best thing for me & nadia. Every day I also thinking, when it will ended? If ended, I also ended my career. I’m still not ready for this. Financially rely to him and loss of power. But it will be. I must prepare what I will do after this ended.
On the weekend, Nadia fully with me (playing, eating, sleeping etc). I also cleaning home, cooking, cleaning clothes etc. Monday-Friday I’m working, on the night take care nadia. On the weekend my life fully for my family.
Jadi manusiawi kan kalo saya kadang stress dan butuh waktu sendiri. Kadang pengen jalan jalan sendiri kaya waktu single. Kadang pengen tidur seharian, guling guling mandinya magrib (I miss that a MOST)

After almost 3 years married life I will inform you something (not advising, just sharing)
1. Married it’s not solving your problem girls.
So for you girls that thinking married will solving your problem, I will inform you: it’s NOT. It will give you another problem for upgrade your life
2. Never think your partner will be change like you want after married.
He/she have own life before married with you. He promised will stop smoking after married with you? She promised will learn cooking after married with you? He promised will clean home every day if married with you? YOU WISH IT WILL HAPPEN. If this is habit, you need a long time to change him/her
3. Lower your standard. Lower your standard. Lower your standard.
You will never see your home clean if having a toddler. If your home clean, your toddler swiftly will create a riot again :).
You will not eat a different menu every time if you don’t have assistant or you don’t have restaurant. Cooking is really tired you know.
You have messy closet because you in a rush every day to prepare work and you thinking it will be neat after you come home? Hi, your closet cannot clean by them self.

HAHA ok i think this enough. not for scare you about marriage life, i’m happy with my life right now. beside happy life, you also have something that you need strive for 🙂


Wedding preparation :)

Long time no visit and writing blog! *bersihin sarang laba-laba*

Feels sorry, office and wedding thingy kill my time for you.  

Mumpung lagi senggang, sedikit cerita mengenai wedding preparation.

7 December 2013, it means 6 weeks left from this week. You know, 6 weeks left, like i want screaming!!

I can’t describe my feeling right now, happy, afraid, confused. Really, i will be brides in 6 weeks? Am i ready for new chapter in my life?

*kayang* *rol depan rol belakang*

For my wedding preparation, i think it’s already 60% completed.

40% remaining is about settling all the payment (just information for you, that’s very hard item in your wedding thingy), marriage document (its must be the first in your wedding list!) wedding singer, send invitation, complete package souvenir, and last fitting maybe.

Wedding preparation is the activity that can make you laughing, crying, and fight with your partner. We search all wedding vendor with self. We order souvenir from clay craft producer in kiara condong (FYI, only remaining 6 clay craft producer in Bandung), search case that suitable with our souvenir in cibadak, search wedding dress, search theme for pre-wedding, invitation card in astana anyar, and many more.

But absolutely, it will be one of the best memories in your life

Here i show you my wedding vendor list:





Marriage document


(Hi grooms, speed up your progress. Hehe)


Brides & grooms dress

Raden Annisa Brides


Pager ayu & beskap

Raden Annisa Brides


Make up

Raden Annisa Brides


Acara adat

Raden Annisa Brides


Parents & sister dress

Kebaya bandung


Pre Wedding photo video

Tiga Sisi studio & Raden Annisa Brides


Video & photography for event

Tiga Sisi studio


Foods & Decoration

Destiny catering


Wedding car

Destiny catering


Wedding Halls

GSG Biofarma





Invitation card

Xtra jaya


Friends and relation fabric

Pasar baru


Mahar seserahan

 Done,thank you grooms!

Please complete packing thingy J


wedding singer

? (Help me!)



Eka holidays

And many small things (you can call it “perintilan”) that can’t be mentioned here.

Hu ha hu ha… please send your pray to me for this event!

My heart beats fast right now



Next posting, desired wedding gifts!  :p


1 syawal 1434 H

Ada yang tahun ini diberikan kesempatan menuntut ilmu di belahan dunia lain
Ada yang tahun ini menempuh hidup baru (maried)
Ada yang tahun ini mendapat promosi tak terduga di kantor
Ada yang baru dapat pekerjaan
Ada yang punya anak tahun ini
Dan lain lain……
Semua orang punya jalan hidup masing masing
Kadang kita iri dengan pencapaian seseorang
Lupakah kamu, kamu iri dengan hal x, padahal kamu punya a,b,c yang belum dimiliki orang lain
Kadang manusia lupa, betapa banyak nikmat yang diberikan Allah. mendengar kata kata orang memang bagus untuk masukkan. Tetapi perlu juga memfilter agar tidak membuat diri sendiri tertekan
Hari ini, sebelum 1 syawal, ketika saya melihat wish tahun ini Allah dengan sangat baiknya mengabulkan doa saya. Dari pekerjaan, jodoh, sampai hal kecil inginnkulkas di kosan pun diberikan
Alhamdulillah. Allah maha baik. Maka nikmat Tuhanmu mana yangbkamu dustakan.
Terima kasih ya Allah. Maaf Ramadhan ini saya ibadah tidak maksimal. Semoga masih bisa bertemu tahun depan.
Selamat idul fitri
Semoga kita semua bisa kembali fitri hatinya 🙂



Semua orang akan berangkat ke europe tahun ini. Such a dream come true. Seneng, tapi bikin aku jadi pengen.mimpi dua tahun yg lalu :’)

Katanya sih doa bulan ramadhan insya Allah di ijabah

“Ya Allah, aku mau ke eropa tahun depan sama suami”





May I get my ‘me time’? May I go from routinity for a while? I’m tired

Work-go home in friday-saturday sunday routinity-freak out-go work in monday before fajr-work…..


The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude to the problem.

Jack sparrow

Yes it is. Problem just come from my mind. Nothing to worry 🙂